Swinging in the Valley Dance Competition
Saturday, September 20
Check-in at 7:00 p.m.
The competition begins at 7:30 p.m.
3 Categories
All American Strictly
All Levels Jack and Jill
All Levels Line Dancing
Join Litefeet at our annual event, Swinging in the Valley at ValleyFest! The competition will include 6 different divisions for competitors to choose from!
All American Swing Strictly (All levels)
All Levels Country Swing Jack & Jill
All Levels Line Dancing (Line Dances will be announced!)
When signing up for the Strictly Division, dancers will sign up with a specific partner. Lifts and tricks, involving both the follows feet leaving the dance floor, are allowed in this division.
When signing up for Jack & Jill, dancers will sign up INDIVIDUALLY. Partners will be chosen at random during the competition and competitors will dance with multiple partners in each round. Lifts and tricks involving both the follows feet leaving the dance floor are PROHIBITED, and will result in immediate disqualification.
Line dance competitors will dances to 2 of the routines in a preliminary round, and 1 routine in finals. Line dances routines ARE ANNOUNCED on the LiteFeet Facebook page and the Swinging in the Valley Facebook event page!
Line dance judging criteria beginner: dance vanilla on first wall, may add flare and styling through the rest of the song. Judges will be grading on footwork, creativity, audience engagement, rhythm and timing.
Line dance judging criteria for intermediate: all dances were choses to judge dancers ability on timing, creativity, body control and rhythm and footwork.
Judges panel consist of 3 judges for line and swing. In the event of a tie, final round dance off with audience vote may take lead.
There will be cash prizes!
Competitors must be checked in by 7:00 PM! Competition begins at 7:30 PM.